Are Your Ads Working? How to Measure Success in Paid Media

By Phase 3
September 05, 2024

Has this ever happened to you? You've spent months researching, developing, and launching a new product. Your marketing team assures you they've launched a comprehensive digital ad campaign to introduce it to the world. You've invested time, money, and resources into getting the word out, but now what? How do you know if your campaign is working?

For many business leaders, especially those without a marketing background, measuring the success of a paid media campaign can feel like navigating uncharted waters. You see the ads and maybe even hear some positive feedback, but what's really going on behind the scenes? Is the campaign truly driving sales, or are you just paying for random clicks? Are you actually seeing a positive return on your investment?

In this article, we'll break down the essentials of how to gauge the effectiveness of your paid media efforts, using simple, clear metrics that give you the insights you need without the marketing jargon. Let's take a closer look at how you can ensure your investment in paid media delivers a return.


What is Paid Media? 

Paid media is exactly what it implies. It's any kind of advertising or promotion you pay for. This can include sponsored social media posts, Google ads, display banners, search, or video ads. The advantage of paid media is audience targeting. Targeting enables your ads to reach the right people at the right time. This targeting can significantly enhance your chances of boosting awareness and sales of your new product.

Understanding what paid media is and how it works is just the beginning. To measure the impact of your investment, start with key performance indicators (KPIs) that directly influence your return on investment (ROI). These KPIs provide a clear picture of how your campaign is performing.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) That Track to ROI

Measuring the success of paid media starts with tracking KPIs that reflect our specific business goals. Different campaigns aim to achieve different outcomes, and understanding which KPIs to monitor will help you gauge whether you're on track.


Brand Awareness

If your primary goal is to increase brand awareness, the most relevant KPIs are clicks and click-through rates (CTR). These metrics show how many people aren’t just seeing your ad but are also interested enough to engage by clicking to learn more. A high CTR indicates that your message engages your audience and drives traffic to your website.


Lead Generation

For campaigns focused on generating leads, conversions are your most critical KPI. A conversion happens when a person takes a desired action, such as filling out a form, requesting a demo, or downloading a whitepaper. This metric tells you how effectively your campaign turns interest into tangible leads your sales team can follow up on.


Sales from Leads

If your business model includes online sales, you can further track the revenue generated from leads. This’ll give you insights into your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) or overall ROI. For example, if you're running an e-commerce campaign, you can compare the revenue generated from purchases to your ad spend to determine profitability.


Cost per Acquisition

If you're tracking leads through form fills or conversions through online sales, the Cost per Acquisition (CPA) becomes a crucial metric. CPA tells you how much you spend to acquire each lead or sale. A lower CPA indicates that your campaign is driving a return at a reasonable cost. This is particularly important when working within a limited budget.

Closely monitoring these KPIs gives you a clear picture of how your paid media campaigns perform and can help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategy for the best possible ROI.  

While tracking KPIs provides valuable insights into the performance of your paid media campaigns, accurately measuring ROI can present its own set of challenges.


Challenges to Measuring ROI

Your marketing team may experience several challenges in measuring ROI for paid media campaigns. Understanding these challenges is the first step to overcoming them.


Tracking and Attribution Issues

One of the primary hurdles is accurate tracking and attribution. With a strong foundation in analytics and proper setup in tools like Google Tag Manager, it’s easier to trace the exact path a customer took from seeing an ad to making a purchase. This lack of clear attribution can lead to gaps in understanding which campaigns are delivering revenue.


Unclear Goals

Another challenge lies in not setting clear goals for a paid media campaign. If your objectives aren't clearly defined from the outset, measuring success is nearly impossible. Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals that align with your business objectives is crucial. This ensures you know what success looks like.


Lack of Baseline Data

Additionally, you may struggle because you lack baseline data. It’s challenging to set realistic objectives or gauge progress without a clear understanding of your current state of business. This could be your existing web traffic numbers, click-through rates, or cost per acquisition. You need accurate baseline data to compare results and determine the true ROI of your campaigns.

But how do you calculate ROI? It's simpler than you might think. There are two straightforward formulas to use, and we'll guide you through them.


ROI Calculations

The ultimate success measurement for any paid media campaign is a healthy return on your investment. ROI provides a clear picture of which ad campaigns contribute to your bottom line and which don't.

To calculate ROI, look at both your Revenue on Ad Spend (ROAS) and the overall return on investment. ROAS is a straightforward metric that compares the revenue generated by a campaign to the ad spend cost. In simple terms, ROAS tells you how much revenue you earn for every dollar spent on ads. Here's the formula:

ROAS = Revenue / Cost of Ad Spend

 A ROAS greater than one means your ads generate more revenue than they cost—a positive outcome!

ROAS is excellent, but it only tells part of the story. To get a fuller picture, you also want to calculate ROI, which considers not just your ad spend but all the other expenses involved in running your campaign—like the labor and resources your team invests. The ROI formula is:

ROI = (Revenue / [Ad Spend + Management Fees]) * 100

ROI represents the actual return on your investment. A positive ROI means your campaign brings in more money than it costs, while a negative ROI indicates the opposite.

ROAS and ROI provide valuable insights into how your paid media campaigns are performing. They’ll help you make informed decisions to optimize your advertising spend. Next, we'll explore tools like Google Tag Manager that can help streamline your ROI tracking.


Tools and Software to Measure ROI

To accurately measure and analyze the ROI of your paid media campaigns, utilizing the right tools and software is essential. 


Google Analytics 

Google Analytics (GA) is like your campaign's backstage pass, providing detailed insights into how users interact with your website. GA tracks everything from where your traffic comes from to how users behave once they're on your site. You can set specific goals, like tracking purchases or sign-ups directly from your ads, to see how well your campaign performs.


Google Tag Manager 

Google Tag Manager (GTM) simplifies adding and updating tracking codes on your website—no coding skills required. GTM works with tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel to help you gather the data you need to measure ROI. GTM ensures your data is accurate. It also streamlines the tracking of your paid media campaigns.

But measuring ROI is just the beginning. Once you have the data, you must use it to refine your campaigns. What does that look like? Read on.


Using ROI to Evaluate and Refine Campaigns 

Here's how to use ROI data to test and fine-tune your strategies.



If you're wondering how impactful a particular message or targeting strategy is, use A/B testing to compare different versions of an ad. Keep your budget consistent in both sets of ads while experimenting to see which strategies yield the highest profit. This approach helps you understand what's working without altering your overall investment.



Benchmark your campaign performance against industry trends and averages. This helps contextualize your data, allowing you to see if you're outperforming or lagging behind typical paid media results for your sector. It also offers insights into areas where you might need to adjust your strategy. Also, compare your campaign performance with your specific business goals to ensure your paid media efforts contribute to your broader strategy.


Refinement Strategies 

Use ROI data to polish your audience targeting. Target the demographics and interests that yield the highest conversions. Adjust your targeting to reach similar profiles.

Identify and enhance the elements of your ads that deliver the best results. Whether it's copy, images, or placement, optimizing these high-performing components can boost overall campaign success.

Based on performance data, adjust your budget allocation to invest more in the channels and strategies generating the highest ROI. Shift resources away from underperforming areas to maximize returns.



Review your campaigns monthly to make sure they're still on track. But don't rush into changes—test any refinements for at least three months to gather enough data to understand their impact. Align your testing periods with your product sales cycles to measure true effectiveness. For example, if your sales cycle is typically three months long, run your campaign strategies for the same duration.


Emerging Trends in Paid Media

Staying ahead of emerging trends will help you maintain a competitive edge. Here are two significant trends shaping the future of paid media.


AI Integration

Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolutionizes paid media by making campaigns more efficient and effective. AI-driven tools and platforms can automate complex tasks, optimize ad targeting, and provide deeper insights into campaign performance.

For example, AI algorithms can analyze data to predict trends. They can forecast which targeted groups are most likely to convert. These insights help you use your budget better by identifying your most high-potential prospects.


Cookieless Solutions

With the decline of third-party cookies, tracking individual users through the entire sales funnel has become more challenging. This shift requires a focus on alternative strategies to measure and optimize performance. Focus on first-party data—information you collect directly from your audience. This data helps you build detailed customer profiles and clearly understand your campaign performance without cookies. Read more about using first-party data here.

To bring the discussion of measuring the ROI of paid media into the real world, let’s review a case study next.


Case Study - Transformative Strategies in Paid Media for Lasting Brand Recognition 

Chateau Elan Winery & Resort  asked Phase 3 to run a full-funnel campaign aimed at increasing brand awareness, bookings, and revenue. The Paid Media team implemented a comprehensive integrated campaign across digital channels. The team prioritized brand awareness on platforms excelling in top-of-funnel functions, such as Sojern and The Trade Desk, and emphasized conversions and demand generation on platforms like Google and Meta that prioritize bottom-of-funnel actions. Phase 3 further enhanced the campaign through creative refreshes, precise targeting based on behavior, and search term analysis.

The results? We generated more than 5 million impressions, 19.4 thousand clicks, and $740,000 in revenue. Overall, the ROAS for the campaign was a whopping 9:1!

Overall campaign results reflect a well-optimized and profitable media strategy, shown by surpassing our target ROAS and industry average benchmarks.


Beyond Tracking Numbers

Evaluating paid media campaigns doesn't have to be complicated. With a clear grasp of essential metrics and the right tools for tracking, you can easily measure and optimize your results. Focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) tell you if your campaigns are hitting the mark. Tools like Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager simplify the process, helping you gather and analyze data to fine-tune your strategies. Solid goals, tools, and a measurement plan allow you to track results more accurately. Lastly, keep your campaigns effective and profitable by staying on top of trends like AI integration and cookieless solutions.

If you’re ready to turn your paid media campaigns into a powerful driver of business growth, we’re here to help. Let’s work together to make your next campaign a success!