Botanical Sciences
As Georgia had recently approved the dispensing of medical cannabis, Botanical Sciences came to Phase 3 to build a unique brand from the ground up, for an industry new to the state.
Phase 3 was challenged with positioning them as the cannabis medicine provider that physicians and patients can trust to deliver the highest quality products and product education.
Our strategy positioned Botanical Sciences as the specialist - educated, insightful, approachable, and a problem solver. And because they are physician-owned, our overarching theme was “rooted in medicine.” This allows Botanical Sciences to feel grounded, stable, and reassuring.
“Physician owned. Patient centered. Botanical Sciences has one purpose: to deliver hope and relief to Georgia patients through the science of cannabis medicine.” We crafted a more educated and elevated vernacular – moving away from typical terms you might associate with cannabis.
We were able to build a unique brand from the ground up–for an industry new to the state of Georgia. Our design approach blended custom-illustrated botanicals with a modern and scientific sensibility. Contrasting rich, organic visuals with vibrant fresh colors and clean lines. We used the finalized brand expression to create their new website, collateral, packaging and more, placing in the 2023 GDUSA Health + Wellness Design Awards along the way.
Following our branding strategy, Phase 3’s public relations team went to work by engaging with local media to ensure the public remained well-informed about the evolving landscape of medical cannabis laws and the upcoming launch of Botanical Sciences’ dispensaries in Georgia. Our strategy was built on transparency and trust, with a key focus on education and public engagement. We recognized the importance of establishing a strong media presence, actively providing regular updates about dispensary launch dates, changing legal framework, and the benefits of medical cannabis. By doing so, we aimed to debunk myths and misconceptions, fostering a more informed and open-minded public.